Saturday, March 31, 2007

Shuttle Diplomacy DOES Pay Off

So about the same time Condi was shuttling between Olmert and Abbas in the Middle East - my neighbor-friend Kenny was shuttling between me and the 2nd party of the former Wye River Peace Summit - still hoping for a reconciliation of some sort. And as Condi/Olmert/Abbas shuttle diplomacy appears to be resulting in face-to-face negotiations, Kenny might get the same result.
As you may or may not recall - dated a guy for 2 months last Fall - grew close, and then he pulled The Fadeaway. I was hurt, upset, pissed - all negative feelings. But in an effort to be mature about it, sought closure in an effort to remain friendly in the future (because seriously - we had ONLY dated for 2 months). He didn't respond - or became tardy with his responses, and I gave up trying to be civilized. Well, after a long recent talk with Kenny on the matter (Wye River's best friend) - I decided to call him on behalf of Kenny - who just wants us all to be friends. I left a friendly voicemail message on Tuesday - and lo and behold - get a voicemail call back today! These are serious developments folks, as I thought he had permanently moved to Cowardville. Looks like some sort of talks will occur in the future - though, I'm not exactly sure when. Will keep you posted of this most interesting international development.
As stated above - Kenny is my neighbor-friend, which I find the most rare of my NYC friends because of their "last-minute capabilities". After all, Manhattan is a big, wild place - people have crazy plans and are sometimes unreachable. This fact sometimes results in laborious coordination when trying to link up with people for Happy Hours, dinner dates, etc... The neighbor-friend is different because he or she is the one who can meet you on the fly - like at a Diner for dinner or a hungover day movie. They are priceless. Well, Kenny and I were a solid neighbor-friend bet a few weeks ago. Then, he got himself a girlfriend. And this girlfriend sounds pretty demanding in terms of time and requests. And this girlfriend lives in Queens. And I miss my neighbor-friend. Bye Kenny.

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