Thursday, March 29, 2007

Nothing Special

Sometimes I still can't believe I live here...
Nothing Special:
1) Can someone please explain the flashback to Twiggy when it comes to this Spring's fashion line? I was in H&M yesterday - and looked like an Oompa-Loompa by the time I had wrestled on a 60's pattern, curveless tunic with poofy bell sleeves. I looked ridiculous, as there's only one body type that can handle it - a boobless Twiggy.
2) Speaking of H&M - you should only go to the one in Herald Square when it's not crowded... which is never.
3) Went perfume shopping for a great new Spring scent yesterday. I came out with shampoos and skin creams and more eyeliner... just in case my current shampoos and skin creams and eyeliner were destroyed in a fire when I was out getting all this stuff that I don't need.
4) I really don't need retail people dishing out their opinion. I was recently in Borders and picked up Beowulf and The Bell Jar. Guy at the check-out asked if I needed a gift card and I said "No, they're both mine." He answered back, "Really? That's interesting." I felt judged and misunderstood and kinda rotten. And it was a bookstore guy telling me all this through inflection and tone injected into that one single question. I hate guys at bookstores, for many reasons...
5) My friend Heather is doing some experiment where she doesn't use shampoo, but other household items like baking soda and stuff to get her scalp to a healthy state. As a result of this, that's-so-weird-I-have-to-do-it experiment, she gives constant updates on the state of her hair and what she's using. I am so tired of hearing about this 'poo-less experiment (she even designates whole blog entries to it) and can't wait until it's over. I have secret thoughts about "spilling" some shampoo on her head to stop the madness. Really Heather - get some Prell and call it a day.
6) Friend Brad and I had a wonderful time at a cafe near his apartment. We sat by a big window and stared out at the suits on Park Avenue. People-watching in this city is fascinating and never gets old. We sat there for more than 2 hours.
7) I still hate my gym. Still no ipod money.
8) From the I-could-be-doing-more-with-my-life category, I was out with a guy the other night who had a Bachelor's degree in Physics, a Master's in Theoretical Physics, and a PhD in Mathematics. Oh yeah - and he was once on the Belgian cycling team.
9) Old Navy stores have always smelled like armpits to me - so I haven't set foot in one in about 3 years. Yesterday, I waltzed into one to see if it still smelled like an armpit. Yep, it did.
10) Haven't heard back from Sid - since his "I-have-a-girlfriend-so-goodbye" letter. I think about him a lot, and since I have no visual on his new girlfriend - I imagine her as an acne-laden, toothless wonder with halitosis - just to boost my spirits.


Unknown said...

Stop sweatin' my healthy fabulous scalp. I'll show you how to make the baking soda/apple cider vinegar mixture if you just ask nicely.

logangal said...

I will never entertain your science fair experiments.