Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How Do You Get Your News?

I am amazed and fascinated at the sheer speed of new media - especially within my field. More and more Americans are getting their daily news diet from the internet. After all, it's the most up-to-speed way to get news and it's user-driven. But with this instant, driver-seat access to the news, I can't help but find the trend a little discouraging from a journalistic and patriotic standpoint.

My case:

Newspapers are dying. Unable to harness ad money, papers are losing greenbacks as well as doorstep readers; New York Times circulation is down nearly 4% from last year. Most other dailies are also posting declines.

Then there's the radio. Gone are the days of getting your news from the car dial every 20 minutes. Radio budgets are being squeezed, as news organizations reallocate money into online units. Satellite radio has further complicated the scenario for radio.

Network TV newscasts are suffering too. Ratings are falling off - and I believe the average age of viewers is now 60 (Explains all those Ensure commercials, doesn't it?).

The cables, on the other hand - are kings. They're posting strong numbers, especially during sweeps - and, like the internet, it provides instant access to news when it breaks. But remember that the Cables are trying to fill 24-hours, which has given rise to the "personality" programs - like Larry King and Olbermann. They get a huge following - and thus, propel the cable channels above the traditional networks.

But what's the cost of all this instant-access? I think it's hurting us.

Back in the day - let's say even a decade ago, network news would take the time to go through everything happening in the world in forming the makeup of a newscast. The material for the 30 minute program would be vetted, heavily researched and in some cases debated throughout the day. In many cases, equal time for opposing views would be gathered - because, in essence, networks had a full day to put together a story. There would be more of a "get it on right" mantra, rather than just a "get it on" attitude.

The result of this method was that you - the viewer, would be able to take in a well-constructed story with a great deal of thought and deliberation on how it's told, where it's placed in a newscast and how much time it's allotted. You would hear both sides of a story - because that's what you were given - and thus, you would be able to get a well-balanced diet... on everything that's happening from America's schoolyards to your own backyards... even if you didn't care about either.

Newspapers too have value this way. How many times are you caught up in a story on A1 that continues on A10, and while flipping to A10 - you catch another story on A8 that you might never seek out, but find informative? Or you'd turn to your favorite columnist's rant, and catch the other two with differing views on the OpEd page - just because you were there?

The internet changes all that. After all, you can now click on the story YOU want to read - or the columnist whose thoughts YOU subscribe to. Your diet then becomes all the comfort food carbs you crave - and you miss out getting the not-so-yummy veggies.

But I happen to think there is great value and nutrition in those veggies, those stories we don't immediately click on - or the opinions we don't believe in. There comes a deeper understanding of a particular issue - from ALL sides. In this way, the viewer can aptly discern where he or she stands on a story, and connect to a deeper appreciation and loftier grasp on differing views, countries, and cultures.

I think a well-balanced diet of news is extremely important - especially in an age of such rapid globalization and divisive political rhetoric here at home.

So the next time you go news-digging on the information superhighway - get the good carbs you crave, but please also stick a fork in a broccoli spear or two!

Word To My Mother

My mother is a very steady yet enthusiastic woman - with a huge southern hospitality vibe. To look at her, you'd see the "politician's wife" role she held in the past - but to really know her, you'd find a great lady who has a fantastic laugh and can make a mean brisket.

She also has apparently become the 18-24 demographic.

She's been known to go Snoop Dogg in conversation and say things like, "for-shizzle" on occasions but tonight over the phone she really floored me.

When describing an upcoming weekend getaway with some lady friends - she informed me that there would be lots of wine and they were going to "turn it out!" and "tear it up!"

I'm still removing the jaw from my floor.

Carnation Corsage

In my ongoing effort to truly experience everything NYC has to offer - and in some sad attempt to relive yesteryear, I want to get a group of folks together and go to Prom!

Start teasing your hair and see here:

I'm very sad and serious about this - I think it would be hysterical!

Sidebar: The prom promo encourages us to wear those Members Only jackets.. which is interesting, because Members Only is in the process of rebranding itself and being sold exclusively in trendy boutiques at inflated prices.

Do you think the rebranding effort is a flipped-up collar, or a broken zipper?

La-La Land

Going to LA in mid-June, and I've never spent any time there (besides the airport) - so I'm excited for the adventure. I'm even more excited to be visiting my younger brother; we're going to have fun!

What to do while we're there? That's still up-in-the-air, and I'd like suggestions. Restaurants, hiking trails, sight-seeing spots, Santa Barbara, and sun - I'm eager to hear from you!

Point me in the right direction and post away people!

Howdy Neighbor

Last night, I was introduced to a Kiwi that just moved in 3 floors below me. We chatted while he painted his apartment, we dove into a bottle of vodka, and by the end of the night (2am) - I had popped a $300 bottle of champagne and we scaled a very scary fire escape to the rooftop. It was all very random; it was nice to have an apartment partner-in-crime!

Note: Bubbly + 4 hours of sleep = Like Whoa.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hamptons Pics

Getting Away

Headed to East Hampton for the weekend, and it was really great.

Crazy fun happens when you get together a group of 3 gal pals, get away from work, and load a rental car up with fun groceries like veggies, a pineapple, shrimp for the grill, beer, and vodka.

Even more crazy fun happens when you decide to go full tilt and get boxed wine.

The MOST crazy fun is when you decide to hold an impromptu ipod-playlist dance party between the three of you after you've pretty much drained the boxed wine.

The result - one of us left chicken on the grill too long, one of us did multiple costume changes, and one of us threw out her hip from said dance party.

It was such a great weekend; so nice to be in a gorgeous setting with great friends, to sit still on a sun-drenched deck, and make wonderful memories.

My Hamptons experience definitely lived up to the Hype.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

More Panting

I think I want to adopt Patches - he's so scrappy and loveable, how can you not want to eat his face!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Allison Has Dog Lust

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Playlist Giggle

I don't know about you - but I've picked some pretty cheesy songs for a playlist I dub "On The Go." Seems like I'm always going somewhere, and I like the comfort of familiar upbeat songs to keep me on the move. I know that a lot of people do this; I have one friend who's upbeat playlist is called "Spicy Mix." She's such a spicy gal, it wouldn't surprise you!

This kind of familiar upbeat playlist offers one a kick in his or her step, a stride, a forward momentum with lyrics we know by heart. The old songs jog one's memories - of fun and carefree days at the softball field, or nights at the local skate rink.

When listening to these songs, it's not uncommon for a silly grin to appear - thinking "if passersby only knew what I was listening to..."

That's why I had a pearler the whole way home - while strutting to a song that took me back to when I was 15, dating a guy named Mike, riding around in his blue Ford Probe.

It was Color Me Badd's "All For Love."

What's on your cheesy playlist?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Enough Already

With the Law & Order marathons on BRAVO!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pin Cushion

Today was my third acupuncture session, and we broke the record with 19 needles - Yikes!

I've had a lot of friends ask me about the process - and the only way I can sum it up is "indescribable" - because it is. There is a prick - a dull ache - and then a charge and rush of blood to the head. At least that's what I feel. The dull ache below the skin lingers for a bit, then subsides. The rush of blood to the head also subsides into a sort of zen-like quiet energy. I then remain skewered for about 30-45 minutes.

The ones in my legs ache the most - and my practioner says that's because my Eastern Spleen is sensitive. I have no idea what that means, but I'm trying to understand Chinese medicine - and always appreciate his attempts to help restore my Qi. I have to tell you - for a few days after our sessions - I do feel a surge in energy (the other night - I danced around and cleaned my entire bathroom just because I WANTED TO - what is that about?!).

Even though my practioner now refers to me as a "pro" (I know he does this to make me feel better and because our sessions are nearing expiration, so he's hoping I re-up), I still can't look at the needles when they're sticking out of me. The first session I tried to look at one, and I nearly had a panic attack on the table! Something about sticking sharp objects in someone doesn't seem right, does it?

But then I think about all the razor-edged daggers men have thrown into my heart, and teeny little needles in my skin don't seem so bad, right?


I bought it yesterday, and it makes me happy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good News

My doctor said I can start having caffeine again!
Thing is... I've made it so long, I kinda don't want to...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Guilty Pleasure

Bravo's 'Step It Up And Dance'

Reason: Because Elizabeth Hurley is seriously on caffeine pills this time - and watching the contestants freestyle is hilarious.