Saturday, December 9, 2006


I knew it was a mistake at the time. As I poured the caramel flavored coffee from the bowels of the work break room into a warm mug at 11:30pm - I knew I would never get to sleep. Well - here I am, wide awake at 3am! Worked tonight - so this is a rundown of where my head has been for the past 9+ hours:

1) Congress blitzed through a bunch of bills (funny enough - a Democratic measure to give Republican staffers who will soon be out of jobs as a result of midterm election outcome - severance pay - sailed through the House floor. Probably will move through Senate just as speedily).
2) Chicago high-rise shooting
3) Iraq, Iraq, Iraq - Violence, Violence, Violence
4) IL terror suspect
Those are just the highlights. Plan to sleep them off, and attack new mind-benders tomorrow... in just 9 hours from now - hooray!

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