Sunday, December 10, 2006

Brandy Will Have A Scotch...

Once upon a time, I lived in a studio apartment in DC. Seriously, the apartment was the size of a shoebox - but the benefits of that "shoebox" proved amazing. For it was there, when I was nursing a broken heart - that I had the phenomenal opportunity to meet my downstairs neighbor. I was the jounalist - she the actress. We would have informal gaggles nearly every night - about our hopes, dreams, and what wine we should switch to once the current bottle emptied. Her name is Brandy, and she is truly an inspiration. What makes her inspirational is her will - her grit - her positive attitude, towards herself and others. She moved up to NYC months before me - and has always offered kind words, enormous support, and never-ending directions and NYC destinations. She is a success in her own right - a bonafide star on HBO's "The Wire" and getting set for a cross-country theater tour. She's a wonderful mother to her beautiful son Henry, and partner to her amazing beau, Tim. If you're not yet a fan, you will be...


KinglyCharacter said...

I had a muse that led me to New York...then she dumped me right after I got here.

logangal said...

Oh no - that's horrible. Talk about 'Sucks in the City.' Hopefully, you're not too sore about it - and have found another muse to nuzzle on cold nights.

KinglyCharacter said...

oh yes, my new muse is much musier than my old one...but now they work at the same museroom, which can get awkward

logangal said...

that is kinda awkward edward... but good for you! i'm very aMUSEd.