Saturday, December 23, 2006

Back in the Blog

Haven't written in a while - and there's so much going on!
I'm not feeling very Christmassy because I have to work this year. Okay, I have to work EVERY year but this year is different because this is one of the first years my family is all together - except I won't be there.
Last night I went to go visit everyone's favorite Uptown Girl - Sarah. I actually guilted her into meeting up with me - because I'M SO SICK OF EVERYONE LEAVING FOR THE HOLIDAYS - I needed to get some sort of friend fill before she jetted out of town. We threw back some wines in Wash Heights and I showed off the BEST BLOWOUT OF MY LIFE.
So it's white-out conditions earlier this week in Denver - and while I'm at work in NYC - I'm trying to gather some real sound from real folks about some real snow. Anyway, 2 of my exes live in Colorado - so I decide to give them a call, being on friendly terms with them post-break-up drama and such. I did phoners with both of them. Then after editing and shooting them out to the anchors - I realize that in my amazing plan to get some real people sound fast, I had not thought about the fact that I was now going to be HEARING MY EXES ALL DAY - IN EVERY NEWSCAST - on the radio. It was very surreal - and left me with break-up flashbacks of ages 23 and 28 - when self-esteem was shattered by boys and spurred pizza-face break-outs. Needless to say, "More of Allison's exes get their news from ABC News than from any other source."
The main dude in "Men in Trees" makes me weak in the knees. Seriously - drop dead husband.
My personal trainer tells me she wants to do a body composite evaluation/measurement when we get back from the holidays. After shaking off the massive internal freak-out attack and nearly face-planting off the treadmill - I said sure because I was in denial. Later, I ate five cookies as a way to deal with this latest personal training development.
My friend Keen insists that "playing games" is really the only way of being in a relationship... and that if you don't "play games" the only relationship you'll ever be in is the one with your cat or dog or TV. He says that women he knows who are currently hitched work it from the beginning - and that includes constantly switching gears on on the man - from challenging him to baffling him to keep his interest. Keen told me I play the "cool chick" too much when it comes to guys (which probably explains why I do phone interviews with exes now) - and that I should "baffle" and "challenge" suitors more. So in the New Year, my resolution is to be baffling and challenging.


Adam Johnson said...

Weird! All my exes live in Texas...well, that is not true. They live in VA, NY, CA, and WY. Meanwhile, I'm in CO looking for 'The One'. Didn't one of your commenters say something about 'The One' and 'Boulder'? I need to do some major backtracking.

logangal said...

That's right - how about I fix you and Nate up on a date?