Friday, December 8, 2006


Last night was the ABC News Radio Christmas Party - and man, was it a hum-dinger. I had plans to hit it up, then head to roller disco at the Roxy with my gal pal Heather - but was cornered by colleagues and couldn't get away in time to hit up the skate date. So thanks to Heather's understanding, maternal quality - we rescheduled via text - and I dove headfirst into the full bar. Here's a picture of me and my new bar buddy James:

Now - pay close attention to my hair. I had it down at the night's start at the urging of my roommate and fellow ABCer Mary Ellen. But I was completely self-conscious about its curly madness - as I felt like I was either channeling CHEETARA from the Thunder Cats or trying out for MUSTAFA in the Lion King. Anyway - threw it back mid-party - and then, as you can see, it was all smiles.
Waiting for the Wye River peace summit with boy I was dating proved fruitless - so I sent out a diplomatic email in the spirit of being above the fray and civil. It looks as if both parties will never meet again, but I remain committed to peace in the aforementioned scenario. The situation has led my mind wander - and not knowing where the said party stands - I take comfort in the humor that are my friends on the subject. As a wise friend once wrote in a similar boy drama situation: "I wish I could sue for alimony or something... or assholimony."

This brings us to the next subject of "The One." I have heard several guys say in recent weeks that former girlfriends just weren't "The Ones." What constitutes "The One"? Are these guys waiting for a woman to walk into their lives at a diner - and get a tingling sensation? I have taken up the subject with many people - and we're pretty much in agreement that men - for the most part - when they're ready to settle down - just kinda look to their left or right and whomever they're dating at the time is "The One." A girlfriend of mine said that when a guy used the "You're just not THE ONE" line after a handful of dates - she laughed in his face and wryly smirked out, "You know - The One doesn't really exist. Good luck with all that." Anyway, open to a back-and-forth debate on this issue... so fire away... especially the fellas.
Friend Julie offered up a fantastic mission - that I'm TOTALLY feeling this time of year. We all know that Manhattan is a-go with Holiday parties galore. Companies really go ALL OUT at these functions - some hosting in the 5-star hotels you or I will likely never see. Anyway, considering crashing some of these holiday parties, especially the big ones. Think it would be hilarious to greet security with "I'm not on the list? I'm Allison from Accounting, and this is Heather from Payroll." Once inside, we can mingle with random people with statements like "I haven't seen you since the LAST party - how are you?" and "How's that analysis on the Johnson account going? Did you get the spreadsheet?" Anyway, it's just in spit-balling phase at current. Will let you know what comes of all this and more...


Nate said...

I have a sword stuck in a giant boulder inside my closet in my bedroom. I know that the girl who can remove it is The One.

Unknown said...

I think I'm stuck being my own soul-mate. Oh well. At least I don't snore. I'm totally down with project infiltrate douche-bag office party (Weren't we on the same due-dilligence conference call last week?).