Monday, December 11, 2006

Cookie Monster

Spent today eating WAY TOO MUCH holiday cookie icing - and now I feel like I need to sprint 3 miles to burn off the sugar rush. Seriously - I'm talking a mile-a-minute, and thinking even faster. It's not a pretty scene. Anyway, some updates:
Finally heard from second party on Wye River peace talks. The message was left on my voicemail - and pretty much constituted to a boy-child going gibberish on me. Seriously - I don't think I could even tell you what he said - he was all over the place in his message. He actually said, "Hi Allison, it's Sunday or something..." Upon listening, I was like - wow, it is Sunday - and you're a mess. Think the second party missed the window for peace talks... which is fine because I have a new date tonight.
Tomorrow it's personal trainer day, and I'm trying to keep my cardio up. Just kidding - the only cardio I've been getting is turning my ipod to major-fast music and strutting down the street to the beat. I did get in about 40 blocks today... but then I downed all that icing...


Unknown said...

These guys.....sheesh. Is it so very hard to say, "Something feels off with us. Are you alright?"
Honestly. They should teach them this stuff while they're learning to throw spirals in gym class.

logangal said...

Intentional or unintentional- these guys are throwing us off balance - so that they don't have to commit. No thanks.