Thursday, January 18, 2007


My friend Nate tagged me - and now I have to disclose 5 things that you don't know about me.
1) I had to wear headgear with my braces... but only at night, thank goodness.
2) I still have a permanent retainer. It hides behind my bottom teeth, and has suprised some boys during kissyface.
3) My passport picture is the absolute worst picture of anyone alive or dead, and is a source of extreme embarrassment. In fact, I will only show it to someone I'm dating if I'm looking to get out of the relationship.
4) I once got head lice from a girl I babysat, right after she came back from a trip to Central America. My mother got RID of it with some gunk and a tiny little comb that hurt my tweeny head ("Oh my god, like totally like embarassing and like serious ouch factor.")
5) My senior superlative was "Class Heartbreaker." Let's just say karma's taking care of that one...


Nate said...

i must see this picture!

logangal said...

no way. i look like a gnat-stain on a window shield.