Thursday, January 4, 2007

Mix It Up

Hitting up East Side Company bar tonight in Chinatown. This place is one of those spots with no sign, no address, no front window. Alex and I are up for the "Amazing Race" adventure of it all. It's also supposed to be one of those places that doesn't have 'bartenders' but rather 'mixologists.' Don't know about you - but when I think about 'mixologists' I think of mix tapes. Wish I was getting one of those tonight...
Anyway, speaking of mix tapes and CDs - we got one in the mail the other day - but it was for someone who doesn't live at our address. It was hilarious - because song selection was very metal to melody to metal without any real transition. Also came with letter from a guy pouring his heart out - albeit sloppily - to the addressee. And if you're freaking out that we unlawfully opened someone else's mail, we did. But only because addressee's last name was also last name of my roommate - so there.
Heather and I agree - a great way to get noticed at work is to just wear nice suits for a couple of days... and if you're like her, opt to go out for lunch instead of staying in. That way, bosses think you're out on job interviews. She's gotten a couple of bonuses/promotion offers in recent months, so I'm betting she's worked the "suit theory" this year. I'm toying with the theory application myself, and will report back on its success/failure.
Uh oh. I got caught up in the holidays. I went out with friends. What can I say - I imbibed and I partook. And just like a jackal sneaking up on its prey by moonlight on a Namibian plain - my personal trainer Sonya readies her pounce and sets up our next appointment. I just hope she gives me more time before whatever that "body composition/measurement" idea was she talked about while clearly tripping on Robitussin.

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