Friday, January 19, 2007

Hola Barcelona - Bonjour Paris!

Just booked tickets for Barcelona and Paris trip, and feeling great to have another overseas vacation on the radar! Julie's wedding outside Barcelona being the catalyst - Heather and I are also heading to Paris on same jaunt. We plan to live dual lives while there - thoughtful American tourists by day and flirty girls who dance on discotheque platforms by night.
Love how high-class nights can turn into low-class nights so quickly. Last night was a good example, as started at the very nice Market Cafe on 9th with Kenny and Alex and ended with Alex and I at a dive crap bar with what seemed like circus freaks - talking to a guy named Justice from Harlem for far longer than we should have, and screaming at the bartender to play Pink Floyd.
Windy walk to work today had my hair looking like I was in a Beyonce music video.
Yesterday, pang of sadness upon hearing news that famed satirist Art Buchwald had died. His columns were a big part of my literary diet. Loved his wit... even the humor he used to describe dying. For an instant smile, go to the NYTimes website and listen to the first line of his "Last Word" video. It's a pearler.
Ex-boyfriend Sid from New Zealand keeps calling to catch up, but I keep missing him BECAUSE HE CAN'T DO MATH AND REALIZE THAT I'M EIGHTEEN HOURS BEHIND HIM - so his 3am rings go unanswered. I gotta get that guy an international time zone clock.

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