Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snap, Crackle, STOP!

Awoke at 5:30am - about an hour earlier than my alarm was supposed to go off this morning by one of our maintenance men scraping, and banging, and pretty much going to war with the ice outside, one floor below me. The silent sleep rage that followed involved flopping around in bed trying to throw covers and a pillow - and even my puffin coat - over my head to stop the noise. Right then and there, I vowed never to give the guy a Christmas bonus (not that I did this past holiday - but that's besides the point).
Speaking of weather, it's everywhere. Either I'm tramping through it, or hearing about it. There's a saying in the news business, especially local news: "Win With Weather!" which is really true. It's why weather is in the a-block - the first portion of a newscast - to provide the hook and tease for the c-block, where the weatherman usually does their 'extended forecast.' The audience, for the most part, predominantly watches the news for the weather anyway because it affects dress, education, work, and transportation - so it's always a safe bet to lead with weather on days like today. It's also a dream during sweeps because it's an insta-lead - can be as sensational as you want with crazy graphics and liveshots at the ol' Salt Dome. It also will usually validate buying the news station's WEATHER HUMMER (consisting of just a weather vane on the roof) which hasn't seen snow since its purchase. All around - "Win with Weather!"
So it's Crap-entine's day, and I'm definitely feeling the solo swing in what I dub the 'Land of Downward Mood.' My friend Kenny - who hasn't dated anyone in years - even tells me he has a Valentine's blind date. What is that about?!?! I might as well finish myself off: lighting a black candle when I get home, sitting in a corner, listening to Sarah McLachlan, and journaling.
So I was feeling all unloved and figuring out where I should go to get a new black candle, when an anchor walked into my edit bay and handed me a box from the mail. I notice 1-800-flowers is the sender, and suddenly I perk up. The anchor himself was so intrigued that he stayed while I opened it. He didn't really make me feel special when he added: "Hope it's not from your stalker." Thanks. Anyway, lovely suede box awaited my opening - inside, lovely truffles and an assortment of chocolate bath gels and salts. Awesome! I open the card and I immediately grin ear to ear: "Happy Valentine's Day. Chocolates are Better Than Boys! Love Heather" So very, very sweet of her. My ladies rock - best on the planet earth!

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