Monday, February 26, 2007

Daily Dish

1) Need to stop moving for a minute and pick up my room. If I went missing - and the police showed up - they'd all be in agreement: "This is definitely where the struggle occurred... and she fought incredibly hard with designer handbags and junk mail."

2) Date tonight was one of the most socially awkward events of my life, and not because of my gigantor zit. Will dish to the girls later. Preferably over a very dry, very big martini.

3) Hate, hate, hate it when you are walking the very busy sidewalks of Midtown, and a group of 4 people stops dead in front of you... like they're getting ready to lock arms and play "Red Rover, Red Rover." Seriously people, keep moving because I'm trying to protect a blowout from scaffolding and overhang drippy drips. And you don't want to test how far I'll go to protect a blowout. You really don't.

4) Love the anonymity of NYC - as heading to subway tonight, I wore a shower cap to protect my tresses from rain droplets. No one batted an eyelash - and even if they did, I could have cared less.

5) Catching Family Pictures exhibit at Guggenheim tomorrow. Will review later.

6) Brandy's back in NYC now, and all is right in the world. Will meet her tomorrow for major league catch-up session.

7) Word to the wise: If you have self tanner that's over 6 months old toss it out. This advice made possibly by someone who looks like a tangelo, that no amount of foundation or powder can correct.

8) Think I spotted a gray hair moving in on my mane. I yanked it out, performed a "stay young" ritual by screaming in outrage, and vowed never to let my roots grow in enough to spot one silver strand again. My laugh lines weren't amused.

9) Boozin' on the subway. For the 2nd time since we've been buds, Heather has greeted me on a subway train with a water bottle filled with a booze concoction to prep our nights out. It makes for a fun ride downtown - until you realize it's the exact same thing that homeless people do.

10) My handbags might have a run for their money as there's a new obsession sneaking in: watches. Watch out!

11) I love it when a guy tries to be all macho and fails - making purposeful eye contact with you before barreling up steps by taking them two-at-a-time only to fall on himself. As he tries to regroup his briefcase items, people shuffle by him with a look of pity - including me, which he sees before my leopard print heels whiz by his face. Nice one fella.

12) Not really into the hippie scum look - paying a lot of money for grungy clothes and hair products to look like you just climbed out of a garbage dumpster. I want to buy these people a one-way ticket to Seattle in the early 90s.

13) Reconsidering my launch into Maureen Dowd's "Are Men Necessary?" book. Think I might come out of it a different person - like a middle-aged single woman with 6 cats.

14) Sonya and I only have 3 personal training sessions left, which makes me sad - because there's no way I can afford another 10 sessions right now. The ol' Yoga ball and bands will have to be called in to understudy.

15) Why does Anthropologie taunt me with weekly emails? I can't afford half of the stuff in your store - yet I want to eat it all! I would unsubscribe to the weekly email service, but clearly I'm in some sort of retail self-torture phase.

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