Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sleeping with the Enemy

You know the feeling. You've probably been there. Think back - to a wild college night, or a morning after too many silly Chardonnays. You wake up in your own bed and YOU'RE NOT ALONE. You feel a presence, and then - sheer dread sets in before you can even face whatever is sharing your bed with you.
The above scenario happened to me this morning. I sensed something with me under the sheets - even sensed what I thought was another pulse. Locked in the fetal position staring at my closet, I wondered if I should even turn around - already anticipating the shame and embarrassment of what was coming. And when I finally - FINALLY - convinced myself to investigate - I was completely disheartened at the discovery. Yep, a big stinkin' zit. And yes, it does have a heartbeat and has grown an arm.
I have a date tomorrow night! Sucks in the city.

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