Saturday, May 5, 2007


So Sarah kinda sets me up with this guy... a super-talented cellist she knows.

I met him on Thursday night. Below is a breakdown of the Date/Non-date:

We meet at a corner and duck into an english pub south of St. Mark's Place. He's super-cute with great eyes, tall, has a cello strapped to his back - extremely friendly. We find a corner booth - he buys us drinks - and we just dive right into discussion. We exchange info on work - hometowns - typical days - blah, blah. I like that he's very personable - and that he's well travelled, and well cultured. All throughout, however, I get an immature vibe that I couldn't get a grasp on. Maybe it was his "I don't believe in marriage" blanket statement, or the fact that his opinions didn't really include advantage of experience. He was making a lot of blanket statements.

Then he told me he was 24. Yeah - 24. My brother's 23. My BABY brother is 23. This dude could've been my brother's friend. In fact, this guy was talking and acting like one of my brother's friends.

This is the point in the evening when plate tectonics takes over, and we get a 6.2 on the Richter Non-Date scale.

So, now I'm COMPLETELY comfortable talking with this guy because now it's like talking to one of my brother's friends and we're no longer on a date. He's seeing some French lawyer girl in his neighborhood... he tries to figure out where he'll be in 10 years (remember wasting time on that question??). He gets pretty personal and honest with me - which I appreciate - and by the end of our time together - we part as really good friends. Yeah, I think we'll be friends. He's a neat and talented guy to have in one's lot, and I'm going to hear him play one day.

1 comment:

Pestasaurus Rex said...

Well it doesn't quite put you in the same territory as that teacher who ran off with the 13 year old student, but still - ew! a 24 year old!

Might as well date a fetus.