Thursday, January 17, 2008

Better than Aesop

We've all been there - trying to shake someone who seems a little "too interested" in us. I was thinking about this on the way home, and then remembered a hilarious story a friend once told me. I think I can remember the notable points.

He had a pseudo-dating thing going on with this girl a couple years ago and she was apparently waaaaaayyyyy more into him than he her. I think she was even stopping by his place unannounced. Yikes! As he reached suffocation-status, and approached her with the thought that he didn't want to see her anymore - he told her he had to go into Rehab - and that he would be unreachable for a few months.

This strategy in a city of 8M worked pretty well until she called him a few months later. He had long deleted her number - so he answered the call. Busted. Guess he had to come "clean."

1 comment:

Pestasaurus Rex said...

this is why you must never delete numbers from your phone. even if it pains you to see that fucker in your phone list months or years later -- still better that than accidentally answering a phone call or sms.