Saturday, June 9, 2007


Met a really cute guy last night on the UWS. His name's Rob. We split a cab after the bar, and I could kinda tell he was a little sweet on me. Anyway, he asked me for my number - which I watched him punch into his phone. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and jumped out of the cab. I had perma-grin for like 10 blocks. That is, until I got to my stop and discovered he accidentally left his cell phone behind. Great. Now he'll never call me. This is so Allisonland typical.
The weird sadness didn't stop there, my friend. Oh no. While walking home, I dipped into a neighborhood bar to just say hello to my favorite bartender, Barry. I sat down, he greeted me and we started catching up. There were only about 5 people in the bar - but there was a lot of activity surrounding one patron. I played video trivia while other people were taking pictures with this random bald dude. Then I think I recognized him. Yep, washed-up-has-been-former-MTV-VeeJay-from-the-90's Matt Pinfield!
All I remember is that he was the dweeb who knew everything about every band. This observation became fact as I watched him sing every single word to obscure songs from the jukebox. He eventually plopped down beside me - probably to find out why I wasn't clamoring all over him like the rest of the broads in the joint. I acted like I had no idea who he was - and you know what? That made him want to date me! He was all over me - and Barry and I shared about a million this-is-hilarious are-you-seeing-what-I'm-seeing glances. Anyway, Matt Pinfield asked for my number, and folks - I may seriously have a date soon with him. Hilarious. Get your music trivia ready people - because Stump Pinfield is so in order!


Alexis said...

At the risk of sounding like a total stalker - you could call numbers on his phone until you locate someone who knows him. You come out being a good samaritin and what cuter way to begin a romance or fling or whatever. If you don't know his name - use his phone to call yours, call his back and hopefull his voice mail picks up with his name. Ok, soundsing crazy here...

logangal said...

I'm one "stalker step" ahead of you alexis-nexis... his phone was losing juice fast, so i left a vm msg on his phone and i called his sister. she called me the next day, and i was able to drop off the phone to her. he called and thanked me... but since i've now already met the family, he's not interested at all. again - typical allisonland. are you back from europe?

Alexis said...

What?!?! Not interested? What is wrong with this man, really a girl who goes out of her way to return a phone sounds like a good catch.
Yes, back, will post the end of our travel adventures when Scott gets home with the computer.

logangal said...

yay - can't wait to ready more of your gastronomy euro tour! let me know if you're coming up to nyc anytime soon.

VMX108 said...

pin what?