Saturday, June 23, 2007


Last night was one of those crazy NYC nights... and luckily for you, I had a camera!

I got off work at 10pm. I was exhausted - beat up from a uncharacteristically busy Friday - and to make matters worse, I had debilitating cramps. Sorry if you're uncomfortable with that last description - but hey, I'm the one having to destroy an egg every month and it ain't no picnic. I had taken about 10 tablets of Aleve during the day - and while the meds couldn't catch up to the pain... I'm sure all those pills ate away at my stomach.

So besides being crampy and antisocial and out of it - with the Aleve and all - I was determined to head to Nate's birthday party at an East Village bar. Alex was nice enough to join, so we headed out. Was meeting Heather and Carey there. Here's a rundown of the night's events:

1) While walking to Nate's party - Alex got accosted by a drunk dude who put his hands around her waist and mumbled out something inaudible.

2) Faked candid photo shots with Nate and company.

3) Drank lots of beers on top of 10 Aleve pills. You catch my drift.

4) Thought that grabbing hotdogs at Rudy's at 2:30am was a "great idea."

5) On taxi ride to Rudy's, our cab broke down. Heather's boyfriend, Carey, tried to troubleshoot the problem... which was hilarious because his own gas tank was full of beer.

6) Got to Rudy's - and Carey became Music Snob - his rage aimed squarely at the jukebox. By this time, I was also over his anti-establishment rants.

7) Random guy grabbing Heather's ASSets, and Carey becoming angry - saying "I want to put his face in dirt." Seriously - this was Carey's threat... which sounded more like something Joe Dirt would say.

8) Heather and I repeatedly bumping into the restroom hand dryer - and repeatedly scared at its force of power. This resulted in us having massive laughing fits over NOTHING.

9) 400+ pound bouncer whispering in my ear, "I like you more every time I see you." Yep, these are the guys I snag. Winners.

10) Two girls making out at the bar - and about every guy in the place toppling tables, pushing people, and throwing chairs - making a beeline to catch and camera photo the action. Pathetic.

11) Upon leaving, Heather putting her hoodie jacket on upside down. Hilarious to catch her hood swinging in the breeze over her butt. More hilarious - she kept fighting our efforts to correct the hoodie situation.

12) Carey forgoing the 24-hour Dunkin' Donuts - instead relieving himself at a phone booth on the street.

13) Me making it home around 4:30am, along with the rest of the building. Hanging out for a few minutes talking with my fellow drunk tenants. One tenant - who lives on my floor - kept taking my hand and twirling me. He and I exchanged phone numbers for future neighborly stuff - and at 5:03am, as I lay my head on my pillow for the night - get a text from him:
"How about u come cuddle? Strait up no games. - Adam"

That's not very neighborly!

As amazing as the offer was, I passed. And passed out.

(Pictures to come)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no. Oh shame. Oh the hilarity.

Don't remember the hoodie incident. Many many beers.