Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pin Cushion

Today was my third acupuncture session, and we broke the record with 19 needles - Yikes!

I've had a lot of friends ask me about the process - and the only way I can sum it up is "indescribable" - because it is. There is a prick - a dull ache - and then a charge and rush of blood to the head. At least that's what I feel. The dull ache below the skin lingers for a bit, then subsides. The rush of blood to the head also subsides into a sort of zen-like quiet energy. I then remain skewered for about 30-45 minutes.

The ones in my legs ache the most - and my practioner says that's because my Eastern Spleen is sensitive. I have no idea what that means, but I'm trying to understand Chinese medicine - and always appreciate his attempts to help restore my Qi. I have to tell you - for a few days after our sessions - I do feel a surge in energy (the other night - I danced around and cleaned my entire bathroom just because I WANTED TO - what is that about?!).

Even though my practioner now refers to me as a "pro" (I know he does this to make me feel better and because our sessions are nearing expiration, so he's hoping I re-up), I still can't look at the needles when they're sticking out of me. The first session I tried to look at one, and I nearly had a panic attack on the table! Something about sticking sharp objects in someone doesn't seem right, does it?

But then I think about all the razor-edged daggers men have thrown into my heart, and teeny little needles in my skin don't seem so bad, right?

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