Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting Away

Headed to East Hampton for the weekend, and it was really great.

Crazy fun happens when you get together a group of 3 gal pals, get away from work, and load a rental car up with fun groceries like veggies, a pineapple, shrimp for the grill, beer, and vodka.

Even more crazy fun happens when you decide to go full tilt and get boxed wine.

The MOST crazy fun is when you decide to hold an impromptu ipod-playlist dance party between the three of you after you've pretty much drained the boxed wine.

The result - one of us left chicken on the grill too long, one of us did multiple costume changes, and one of us threw out her hip from said dance party.

It was such a great weekend; so nice to be in a gorgeous setting with great friends, to sit still on a sun-drenched deck, and make wonderful memories.

My Hamptons experience definitely lived up to the Hype.

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