Thursday, May 29, 2008


1) On some recent occasions, I've had total strangers ask me if I'm Russian or Slavic. The first time happened a while ago - and it kinda threw me because I thought my gigantor nose and blue eyes made it my face scream Scandi. Guess not.

A few weeks ago, a guy in my apartment building asked if I was Russian. I sternly said, "Net!"

Then tonight, while I was walking home from work - this French guy just randomly came up to me and asked if I was Polish. We walked and talked all the way to Lexington Ave - and I think he kinda asked me out. He asked if I wanted to have a picnic with him in Central Park on Sunday. When I told him I had plans, he asked if we could have a picnic in the park on Saturday. He was pretty persistent, even telling me he would cook dinner for me. It was all very random, and after throwing my business card at him - I said goodbye and headed to the bus stop solo.

Later, on the bus, I amused myself by thinking about a hypothetical picnic in the park with this random Frenchman. I became even more amused by thinking about what I'd bring to the picnic - and yes, my mind went there: Polish sausage.

2) Why does Carson Daly still have a latenight show... or any show for that matter?

3) Springtime has hit the city - and Heather and I came to the agreement that anytime the temperature hits 67-degress, women walk around half naked. At least it's cutting down on my skinny jean intake.

4) It's been so pleasant at night, that I've been sleeping with my windows wide open. This morning, though, I was awakened to a pigeon on my fire escape, about an inch from actually being inside my apartment. Could you imagine waking up and having a dirty city pigeon flapping around your apartment??? Me neither. I slammed my window so tight - not even oxygen is coming in.

5) I'm considering a spray tan for the first time ever - mainly because if I don't, people will keep running into me because my skin has gone from Casper-white to completely transparent.

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