Thursday, October 23, 2008

Super Talk

Ran into my Super the other morning at my elevator. Here's how it went:

Super: (thick Bulgarian accent) "I am glad I ran into you."

Me: "Hi! How are you?"

Super: "I need to talk to you."

Me: "Okay..."

Super: "Your downstairs neighbor - she is very upset with you. She says you make too much noise at night."

Me: "Oh dear - well, I'm not doing anything particularly loud."

Super: "She says you are walking around."

Me: "Yes..??"

Super: "Late at night, like 1 or 2 in the morning."

Me: "Well, I've been getting home from work at 1 or 2 in the morning, so that's probably why."

Super: "She cannot sleep."

Me: "Well, I'm not playing music or listening to the television loudly."

Super: "Yes, it's your walking that's keeping her up. Do you have carpet?"

Me: "I have an area rug, and I usually take my shoes off when I get home."

Super: "Well, you cannot walk around late at night like that. I don't want to have to write a note." (I have no idea what that meant - is she a Resident Advisor at college who's going to write me up?)

Me: "I will try to be more mindful, but it's just a lifestyle schedule thing. That's when I've been getting home from work this week."

Super: "Well, don't do it. I don't want to get involved."

As I entered the elevator, I became pretty defensive. The thoughts raced through my head: CAN'T WALK AROUND AT NIGHT? I'm not going to be a prisoner in my own home! I'm not complaining every time a neighbor's dog barks at 6am - wanting to be taken out, while I'm sleeping! So you can bet my new nighttime ritual will go a little something like this:

80s music while getting a good calisthenics session going - in heels... big, loud, clunky heels.


Unknown said...

This is what I did, and it worked: My downstairs neighbor left me a very passive aggressive note about noise, and didn't even sign her name. I went downstairs, knocked on her door, and confronted her face-to face. I said I'd do my best to keep things quiet on my end, and then I gave her my cell phone number, and told her to call me if I was ever making too much noise, so we could figure out exactly what I was doing that sounded so loud to her. She never ever called me, and never complained again, even though I didn't much change my routine.

Some people just want to complain, but they don't have the balls to address the problem directly. Given the choice between calling you at 2am and just rolling over and going back to sleep, she'll probably decline to call, and then you can tell your super that you two are working it out amongst yourselves.

f-dub said...

You know, I didn't want to say anything before, but now, I guess it's appropriate. I noticed that back in college, you had a particularly loud walk. In fact, if I were you, I would check with the tenants of the apartment two floors down from you and make sure they are not being disturbed either. I mean, seriously, did you really think that you were going to be able to walk around your own apartment and not be held responsible? You were brought up better than that.

logangal said...

Whatever Ryan! You chewed really loud in college. Like REALLY loud. Carrot sticks? Deafening!